dernier round
“Final Round” is a movie directed by Mohamed Fekrane and produced by Said Andam and Gustavo Cortés Bueno. The story follows Rashid, a young man from Morocco, as he takes part in boxing matches to make money. His goal is to save enough to cross the Strait of Gibraltar with his two friends by paying a smuggler. The film focuses on Rashid’s struggles and determination to achieve his dreams.
To enrich the narrative experience, “Final Round” adopted a collaborative approach, opting for a multi-country co-production. The casting process aimed to find young talent, focusing on actors capable of bringing realism and depth to their characters. The movie was shot in Casablanca and Tangier, two cities chosen for their ability to reflect the raw atmosphere of Rashid’s world. The result is a powerful story set in an everyday context that resonates with audiences.
Feature film – Final Round
Production – OZZ Films (Morocco), Le Midi Production (Belgium) & Toned Media (Spain)
Directed by – Mohamed Fekrane
Written by – Gustavo Cortés Bueno